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Fire Department Schwaig

because every second counts


When it comes to emergencies, they are there to help. The Volunteer Fire Department of Schwaig has been in existence since 1861 and takes care of the community on a daily basis. In case of emergencies, every second counts in order to save lives, animals, and property. Every movement and action must be precise, starting from entering the fire station all the way to extinguishing a fire.

While many may think of the right equipment and well-equipped fire trucks in this context, we focus on lighting. Because without proper illumination, firefighters lose valuable seconds that could save lives.


from the field


Quick to Respond

thanks to the right lighting


A fire station must be equipped with ambient lighting around the clock to guide firefighters in case of emergency. For this purpose, five blue IndustryLUX TUBOLA lights were installed in the fire station of the volunteer fire department in Schwaig to provide ambient lighting during dusk and nighttime. The diffused polycarbonate tube disperses the light and creates uniform illumination. The luminaire is equipped with a pressure equalization membrane to prevent any accumulation of moisture inside the luminaire and withstand

the temperature fluctuations caused by the opening and closing of doors. For quick installation, the luminaire features a Quick-Snap system and was hung in no time. Nothing stands in the way of rescue now. lichtline is proud to have supported the volunteer fire department with this small gesture.


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